We had our monthly appointment last week and everything is looking good. The baby's heartrate is about 158/160. Our OB's assistant had a hard time finding it at first. Turns out the baby is sitting very low. I'm 13 weeks now, less than a week away from the official beginning of the second trimester! The morning sickness is slowly starting to ease, but it's not gone yet. We'll see what happens next week. Maybe I'll be one of the lucky ones who wakes up the day I turn 14 weeks and I'll be magically feeling 100%.
We had a brief spell of warm weather last weekend, but for the most part, the season has unofficially turned to fall. Those of you who know me well will not believe what I'm about to say... I'm looking forward to fall! ::gasp:: I know, I know, I'm a Florida girl at heart and love the hot weather. However, with my temperature running higher all the time, the cooler weather has felt pretty good. Besides, there are some things about fall that even summer lovers can appreciate: changing leaves; crisp air; seasonal colors (that happen to be my favorite colors); the reintroduction of pumpkin spice lattes and apple cider. I wish fall didn't equate to more rain, but now as a homeowner with a lawn to be watered, I can even appreciate that more. (Marginally.)
Many have asked me to see what my little baby bump looks like. It's not much of a bump, but it's something: